financeSHOWCASE Launch Survey

Help create an event designed for you
How important are the following topics in your role as Finance Director...
BANKING - finance, expenses, payments...(Required)
TAX - planning, MTD, compliance...(Required)
FINTECH - financial software...(Required)
RISK - cybercrime, fraud, debt...(Required)
HR - pensions, payroll, private health....(Required)
SERVICES - consultancy, legal, auditing...(Required)
Are there any subject matters, new rules or regulations, particular technology or other areas relevant your roll you would like to see covered in our seminar programme?
Would you visit(Required)
Ultimately, would you be willing to take time from your busy schedule to attend a free, local, event comprising educational seminars and relevant product information relating to the above topics?
Please provide us with any comments or insight that you feel would be useful in the planning for this event