What makes a good event space?

What makes a good event space?

It all starts with the choice of venue and space. Choosing the right event space can make or break an event. Whether it’s hosting a corporate conference, wedding, product launch, networking event – or financeSHOWCASE like us – the venue sets the tone...
How blockchain and cryptocurrency are used in finance

How blockchain and cryptocurrency are used in finance

Blockchain and cryptocurrency have significantly transformed the financial sector by enhancing security, efficiency, and transparency.  Blockchain technology that is safe and trusted can unleash innovation for both the crypto and traditional finance industries....
Updates to FRS 102: is your business ready?

Updates to FRS 102: is your business ready?

FRS 102 is a financial reporting standard. It sets out the measurement and recognition rules as well as the disclosure requirements that apply to entities who apply the standard. The Financial Reporting Standard (FRS) 102 has been updated in several areas, including:...
Sustainability and the role of the CFO

Sustainability and the role of the CFO

What is sustainability? The dictionary definition of sustainability is:  Environmental Science. The quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance. What does that mean to most?...
What is AML Compliance and Why Is It Important?

What is AML Compliance and Why Is It Important?

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance is a critical part of the financial industry’s day-to-day tasks. Taken from their blogs, Fyorin explains why AML Compliance is important: Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance is a critical part of the financial...