MATRIX as a software solution

MATRIX as a software solution

Mandant is one of our exhibitors at financeSHOWCASE and are specialists in SAP Software Integration and are providers of MATRIX. Taken from the blog on their website, Mandant explains MATRIX in more detail. MATRIX is a solution for integrating SAP® software with...
Currency fluctuations and FX risk

Currency fluctuations and FX risk

International/global trade is essential to the UK economy. It has been reported in 2022 that global trade accounts for as much as 69% of its GDP.  And it’s not hard to see why. The UK is the world’s sixth largest importer, and 15th largest exporter of goods. It...
Resilience is the ability to respond to changes

Resilience is the ability to respond to changes

by Alix King, Marketing Executive at financeSHOWCASE, August 23, 2024 The last five years have been hard for all businesses.  We’ve had a global pandemic. We had inflation rises, energy costs through the roof, war, an uncertain US government, huge changes in our...